A work-from-home survival guide
Mike and I are pros at the socially distanced work experience - we're based in different cities, organize over Slack, check in on Hangouts, and maintain a balance of self-care and socializing. I figured I’d offer some insight on how to best navigate the work from home process to help newbies cope during these troubling times.
1) Get up early and follow a routine
Like scrolling through the internet and crying at the state of the world before counting how many rolls of toilet paper you have. Something consistent and constant will help ground you for the day.
2) Start the day with a quick video conference check in
Ideally, these work meetings should be scheduled at exactly the same time as your live -in partner or roommate. That way, you can loudly talk over each other and possibly generate mic feedback, ensuring that everyone’s vibing the same.
3) Remember to take short breaks
Preferably, do things like yell at your partner to clean the toilet, or put away the laundry, or talk about that idea for a new shelf during this time. Since you’re both there you may as well make the most of it.
4) Make a meal schedule
This should look something like a death threat scribbled on a piece of paper telling the other person it’s their turn to do the dishes, because now you’re eating twice as much food and it’s not your job to clean up after them.
5) Exercise
There’s no better energy boost than bicep curling cans of beans while envisioning the zombie apocalypse.
6) Get out for a quick breather every day
Just don’t breathe within 6 ft of anyone.
7) Invest in a good pair of noise canceling headphones
This helps you stay focused by drowning out the sound of your baby crying. If you can’t hear them, nothing’s wrong, right?
8) Be gentle with yourself
It’s hard to find meaning and structure in isolation, but tomorrow’s another day, and tonight there’s a glass of wine (if you stock piled it).
Folks working from home now - any other tips to add to our list?
x ace